Of Mother’s Day and First-Time Moms

Mother’s Day this year is not like any other.

Why? It’s my first mother’s day as a full-fledged mom! Aside from my birthday, this one is another special day dedicated to me, so hurray for that! πŸ˜‰

The other reason makes more sense though. Until last year, I always prepared something for the special women in the family, be it a small gift, food, or a card. This time, since I am too tied up with our little ball of chubbiness, I wasn’t able to come up with anything. πŸ˜”

I never really got to fully understand why parents have their individual special days until I bore and started to raise my own child. Giving birth is one thing; being a mother — which is craftily subdivided into showering her child with unconditional TLC; guiding their first steps; caring for their physiological, spiritual, mental, and social well-being, instilling discipline, and so, the list goes on — is a whole new level. Now that I reflect about it, I think there’s no end to being a mother. The day starts and ends with only one thing in the mind of a mother — her child.

Whoever thought of dedicating a whole day to mothers should be recognized. You are a genius! However, given the chance, I would propose to turn it into mother’s week. One day is not enough to pay tribute and show gratitude and appreciation to the mothers in our lives. It’s not even enough to reminisce their sleepless-nights-turned-sabaw-moments, their numerous sidelines just to provide for our needs, and the immeasurable amount of blood, sweat, and tears they have shed for us. Heck, even the greeting, ‘Happy Mother’s Day,’ does not seem enough.

Now if I were to customize that greeting, this would be it:

“Hey, Mom! Thank you for the things you do and do not do for my welfare. Today, please rid your mind of us, your children. You are free to relax and think of yourself and of the time when we were not yet around– your needs, your wants, your dreams — and tell them to me. Perhaps, that might be a nice mother’s day present.”

However, as much as we ask them to think of themselves only — even for a day– in the end, it will always be about us. Why? Because motherhood is a lifelong duty, not an 8 to 5 job. It molds a woman and gives her a new perspective. And it never ends. πŸ’–

I know, because now I am a mother too. πŸ™‚

PS. After much thought, you know what else I think? Grandmothers should be celebrated, too. It doesn’t count that we celebrate grandparents’ day. A whole day should also be devoted to grandmothers as much as one day is dedicated to mothers.

Growing up with my grandmother, and now living with my mother-in-law, who just happens to be Samsam’s grandma, I can never, and I mean not ever, fathom the strength and endurance they have, even at their old age, to care for their children and their children’s children. They must be Gal Gadot in their younger years. πŸ˜‰ 


What’s wrong, millennials?

Before I rant, ​here’s a video of Simon Sinek talking about the Millennial Paradox.

Sinek is on point about everything actually. 

I sincerely hope this message reaches this generation — the millennials — their parents, and even millennial parents.

Growing up, I would always hear this from my mom, “Kung alam mo lang kung pa’no kami pinalaki noon,” and some parents would do their best to shy away from the parenting style they were raised in by being lenient, in fact, too lenient, towards their children. Then they suddenly get mad and strict when their kids go overboard. There you have it — inconsistency.

I am a millennial, and even though the generation before mine is not as tech-savvy and assertive, I admire them for their perseverance and hard work. They do not easily give up, they cope with stress well, and they maintain good relationships with others. Thanks to their parents, our grandparents, for raising them up well.

It’s time to break the curse of the millennials. And I think it should start in the home. 😊

Something New

The husband and I have been invited to speak about Christian Dating, Marriage and Purity several times already. The fact that we got married without a baby in my tummy probably made us the perfect tandem to discuss the topic.

I got so used to speaking in front of teenagers and yuppies about dating that I have forgotten the existence of other topics. ✌

Just two weeks ago, we were invited to teach young children at church for their anniversary. The theme, Dakilang Manunubos, Ipakilala nang Lubos, was a challenge. I’ve never discussed topics related to missions — and now, I even had to teach children about it. I guess that’s what levelling up means — exploring brand new stuff with a new audience.

I simply grabbed the opportunity to speak to the children. I knew I had a lot of things going for the past two weeks, but it’s not for me to reject any chance to share God’s word, especially when this gift is not natural to me. Yep, it was only after I have developed a more intimate relationship with the Lord that I was endowed with a gift of speaking His word. πŸ™‚

To be honest, it is even harder for me to teach with a partner. Of course, Jets and I have different teaching styles because we have very contrasting personalities. He’s the fun teacher; I’m the serious one. I guess that’s how we came up with our Junior Worship teaching setup that Sunday — he facilitated the games, and I taught the lesson.


READY, SET, GO. Jets was instructing the kids which message to relay to their group mates in our Pass-the-Message game.

Looking back, I realized that as a married couple, immersing ourselves in the company of kids makes us more mature. It develops what is lacking in us — patience and tolerance for children.

It was also fun seeing the husband mingle enthusiastically with the children. There were times that Sunday when we were starting to panic and subconsciously snap at each other, but thank God, we managed to pull it off.

While it was tiring and challenging to teach the children, I would not miss the opportunity to minister to them if given another chance. πŸ™‚